Our approach

Transforming your organization from linear into circular is no small feat. Changes, potentially ranging from minor to fundamental, will be required. However, even for the most successful enterprises in today's competitive world, there is no time to stand still and start from scratch. As such, the nature, timing and order of these changes have to be carefully planned.

The Circular Solution Space® is a unique and proven approach to help your organization determine where it currently stands from a circularity perspective and how it can best move toward being 100% circular. It enables companies to evolve their business models towards circularity gradually, leveraging existing strengths, taking its current business model as a starting point for an evolutional growth in circular development.

Empowering your organization and your people. What sets the Circular Solution Space® approach apart from many other circularity consulting services is that it focuses on empowering your organization and your own people. So you learn as a team how to identify and develop the best circular solutions for your organization with confidence. And have fun in the process. Not just once, but over and over again. For, whatever others might promise, we are convinced that truly becoming 100% circular is a marathon, not a sprint. As such, intrinsic motivation, participation and empowerment of internal stakeholders holds the key to success.

How to start working with the Circular Solution Space®. The approach utilizes a physical, three-dimensional model (think of it as a kind of 3D game board) that is used in workshops and group settings. Through guided interaction with the model, participants discover and generate unique, circular solutions specific to their own organization. Those solutions that pass a thorough reality-check ultimately add up to a roadmap towards circularity, custom-made for your organization.

To enable you work with the Circular Solution Space® we offer a workshop program that is tailored to your needs and wishes. The program varies from client to client. It can start with analysis of your current level of circularity and focus on a specific challenge for your business or it can be more explorative and begin with ideation and conceptualizing multiple promising paths and solutions to circular business development 

To understand and define what works best for your business, please drop us a line.

"Truly circular solutions are designed not just in space, but also in time.  As such, they are strategic by nature and therefore their successful development and implementation require knowledge, experience, support and buy-in from all levels and disciplines within an organization"