Products & Publications

The Circular Solution Space® approach is a result of 14+ years of academic research on the topic of designing circular product-service combinations tailored to circular business model archetypes.

Should you want to learn more about where we are coming from, below are links to some of the publications we authored that document and explain the roots and development of our Circular Solution Space® approach over the years.

Products That Last 2.0

Product Design for Circular Business Models

English language, e-book

Products That Last 2.0

Product Design for Circular Business Models

English language, paperback

Design for Managing Obsolescence

A Design Methodology for Preserving Product Integrity in a Circular Economy

English language, paperback

Dutch language edition, for educational purposes and academic institutions only

Products That Last 2.0

Productontwerpen voor Circulaire Businessmodellen

Nederlandstalig, paperback

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