Our services

Inspiration/Training/Education. An introduction to circular business development. A presentation that addresses the Why?, What? and How? of Circular Economy. Explains and inspires with easy-to-digest theory, business-specific cases and examples and offers the first handles on how to Design & Develop Circular Products and Services for Circular Business Models.

Circular Business Development Program. A client-specific workshop program in which we will enable you and other stakeholders from your organization to understand and steer the process of circular business development. Our powerful programs help companies internalize circular design thinking, allowing them to take the reins in transforming their organization into a circular company.

Circularity Benchmarking®. Determining your organization's current level of circularity and quantitative identification of potential 'hotspots'. Expanding on LCA conventions, we define 'hotspots' as those products and processes within your organization that have the highest eco-impact and/or where most added economic value is destroyed. These 'hotspots' pose both the biggest risks and biggest opportunies for your organization. When done before working with the Circular Solution Space®, Circularity Benchmarking® helps to focus the ideas and paths derived from working with the method on high impact feasable solutions.

Eager to find out what we can do for your organization? Just drop us a line.

Extended services:

With our hands-on experience in product development, our extensive network of specialists and our ongoing involvement in academic research, we can also assist you in turning your recently discovered pathway to circularity into a reality. Depending on the specific needs of, and capacity available within, your organization, we can support your organization on its journey toward becoming 100% circular with:

Circular Product Design

Consulting with your in-house team or turn-key: ideation and concept development, design, visualization, engineering, prototyping and project management.


Academic-grade research on, for example, (bio)materials, recovery processes, national and international (upcoming) laws, rules, standards and regulations.

"Welcome to

the Circular Solution Space®, your 'one-stop-shop'

on your way to circularity."